The terms and conditions of the company will be applicable from ...........

(1) All such persons who provide the service of the company by booking order are called service man here. These terms and conditions are for the service man who uses and consumes the service of the company. If you use the service of the company If yes, then it will be considered that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to the terms and conditions of the company. This company reserves the right to make changes in the terms and conditions of the company from time to time as per the requirement, the information of which will be published on the app and website. If you do not agree to be bound by these current/amended Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Services. The Company reserves the final right to consider anything other than these Terms and Conditions and not mentioned in them. The terms and conditions are in different languages ​​but in case of any difference, only the terms and conditions written in English language shall be considered.


(1) The main objective of this company is to provide better, quality service at your doorstep. For which this service is being made available by preparing a platform through website and mobile app. The company provides two types of work on its platform (1) daily work and (2) contract work. work can be done.

(2) The Company reserves the right to send you information through text message/email for necessary information related to the Company. If you want, you can stop this type of information permanently or temporarily, but in case of closure, the better service of the company is affected.

(3) To provide better service to the company, the service man will have to participate in the training program of the company. After completing the training, he will be considered as a trained service man if he provides better service to the customer.

(4) To use and consume the service, you will have to register yourself on the company's website and app. The registration will be considered successful only after providing the necessary documents by filling the registration column correctly. Age of service man / worker / helper can provide service only if he has completed at least 18 years of age on the date and time of registration. No right is reserved for the minor boys and girls to provide the services of the company. You warrant that the information provided by you is true and correct. If any correction or amendment is made by you, then the company will have to inform through phone, email, text message or on the platform. The company will have the right to verify the information provided by you in a confidential manner from the company itself / private / concerned government department.

(5) Your only one account is valid, if you keep more than one account, the company will have the right that the company can close your account or withdraw your rights without notice.

(6) You have the right to use your account only. You are responsible for all the activities that happen in your account. The company will never be responsible for the activities that happen from your account.


(1) Based on your availability and location on the booking/ordering platform, the order will be received by the service man who receives the order first. You will have to do the minimum recharge prescribed in your account. The amount of recharge will be displayed separately, in case of non-recharge, the service will not be given. Once he receives the booking order, he has to fulfill it. If you cancel the received booking order after receiving the booking order, then the company reserves the right to charge a penalty charge of 5% of the total service charge of that order as penalty.

(2) It shall be the responsibility of the worker receiving the order to complete the booking order. No worker has any right to send orders to others in his place instead of receiving orders. If you want, depending on your capability and skill, you can complete more than one order within 24 hours.Booking order Right is reserved to cancel the booking order if you are physically unwell before starting working after receiving, in such case cancellation penalty charge is not payable. If yes, then no penalty charge will be taken from you. Rather, service rate/wages will be provided on the basis of the work done on that order.

(3) The company does not provide you any kind of travel fare/oil/means to come and go to the working place. It will be your responsibility to reach the working place. You cannot claim any kind of vehicle/money/oil related to the journey. The time of work/service will be considered as start and end of work only after OTP verification received from the company.

(4) The Company does not give you any right to discriminate against any customer / worker / service man on the basis of his religion, caste, nationality, sex, gender identity, age or any other characteristic under applicable law. Ethical behavior of courtesy, respect, respect is to be done with all the customers/service men/workers. In case of objectionable, atrocious behavior with him, necessary action will be taken by terminating all your services.

(5) You accept that through the company, the customer can take feedback regarding your behavior, work, conduct. You will be given a rating on the basis of the rating received by the customer and if it is found to be in accordance with the rating standards of the company. Rating will be on following points 1. Good behavior 2. Quality of work/service 3. Timely delivery of orders 4. Successful task

(6) You accept that through the company, the customer can take feedback regarding your behavior, work, conduct. You will be given a rating on the basis of the rating received by the customer and if it is found to be in accordance with the rating standards of the company. The rating given by the customer and the reviews made by the company will be accepted by you.

(7) You agree that you will not indulge in or abet any such activity which tarnishes the image of the Company. Will not announce any negative activity, value or harmful statements about the Company. If wrong activity is found, the company will take necessary action at its discretion by closing your account permanently or temporarily.

(8) You agree that the Feedback rating of your services will be given on the Company Platform, through text messages.

(9) The company does not misuse the information provided by you in any way. Nor will it. The company will have the right to offer better service/incentives from time to time in your interest. Company service man is allowed to take any such service man/worker/helper/assistant along with him without being registered in the company. does not provide Only those service men/workers/helpers/assistants who are registered with the company will be valid. Booking will be done to take them along. Apart from this, if a helper or assistant is taken to work by the service man, then in case of any prohibited work done by him, the entire responsibility of that service man will be considered. The legal process will be done by the service man himself/herself, in this the company will not cooperate in any way.

(10) On the basis of the nearest location, only those contractors who have registered themselves with the company will get the contract booking work. The contractor will take the contract from the customer at his own risk money. Whose loss and profit will be of the contractor who has taken the contract. To get the work done on the contract, the contractor will hire the worker associated with the company only, will not hire any outside worker on that contract, the contractor will book the worker associated with the company to get the work done on the contract received, and each day and service rate of each worker The company reserves the right to charge service charges on the basis of On award of the contract, the company reserves the right to charge only part service charge from the contractor, which will be decided by the company from time to time.


(1) You accept that the service amount/rate of Skilled/Professional is determined by the rural/urban rate of each district, the details of which are mentioned in the rate chart. The amount is valid only as per the rate/service rate mentioned in the chart and the demand of the service man. No other rate/service can be claimed. The worker has the right to get the prescribed service rate at the working place. Every day for that service and 10 percent service charge of the total service rate will be taken from the customer. For example: The service rate of a painter at a place is Rs.600/day, then at that service rate/per day, the service charge will be only 600 × 10÷100, totaling Rs.60. Thus the total service rate and service charge will be Rs.660.

(2) If the online service rate/wages has not been given by the customer, it will be shown to you in the booking order. The total service rate and service charge should be taken online/cash from the customer before or after completion of work. In case of receiving service rate/wages cash, the service charge of that service rate should be paid to the company immediately. The Company reserves the right to deduct service charge of that service rate from your Wallet balance at any point of time. If the payment is not made by the customer after completion of the work, then it should be immediately informed to the customer care.

(3) The wages of each district are fixed separately on the basis of rural/city and day/night and women and men. The work service is available on hourly and day/contract rates. The wages are fixed on the basis of the chart. But your rate/charge may increase/decrease on the basis of your better service, rating, demand. Apart from the prescribed chart wages, the prevailing wages at the workplace location are not valid.

(4) On completion of the work/task, the company will transfer the remaining amount to you through cash or app wallet/account/as per your wish after deducting your commission/service charge for maintaining the quality of the company's work and continuous service. Will give

Grievance Redressal / Support Team

(1) Suggestion problem for the use and consumption of service related to the company, you can inform the company on the company's address by post and email and support. For complaints regarding service usage, consumption, payment, etc., customer care can be registered through helpline number 8738882509, whose solution will be provided by the customer care team within 24 hours. This service will be available 24×7 hours.